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Publications & Presentations


Bottorff, J.L., Seaton, C. L., Viney, N., Stolp, S., Krueckl, S., & Holm, N. (2016). The Stop Smoking Before Surgery Program: Impact on awareness of smoking-related perioperative complications and smoking behaviour in northern Canadian communities. Journal of Primary Care and Community Health, 7(1), 16-23. doi: 10.1177/2150131915604827. [download pdf]


Bottorff, J.L., Seaton, C. L., Lamont, S. (2015). Patients’ awareness of the surgical risks of smoking: Implications for supporting smoking cessation. Canadian Family Physician, 61:e562-569. [download pdf]

resourceProject Update: Stop Smoking Before Surgery. (2015, March). Volume 3, Issue 1. [download pdf]


resourceProject Update: Stop Smoking Before Surgery. (2014, July). Volume 2, Issue 2. [download pdf]
resourceProject Update: Stop Smoking Before Surgery. (2014, Feb). Volume 2, Issue 1. [download pdf]


resourceProject Update: Stop Smoking Before Surgery. (2013, Oct). Volume 1, Issue 1. [download pdf]
resourceWorking Together in the North: Stop Smoking Before Surgery. Information sheet about the project. [download pdf]


Bottorff, J.L. (2016). Smoking cessation for safer surgery: Tips for helping patients quit. Invited video-linked presentation for health professionals in Nunavut (organized by Context Research for Nunavat Tobacco Control Program), March 18, 2016.

Viney, N., Seaton, C. L., Bottorff, J., Lamont, S., Taylor, E., Medhurst, K., Yarmish, K., & Krueckl, S. (2016, January 23). Implementing a Systematic Approach to Addressing Smoking Before Surgery: Experiences from the Stop Smoking Before Surgery Program. 2 minute, 2 slide and poster presentation at the 8thAnnual Ottawa Conference, State of the Art Clinical approaches to Smoking Cessation, in Ottawa, Ontario.


Viney, N., Lamont, S., Taylor, E., Bottorff, J., Seaton, C., Stolp, S., Medhurst, K., Yarmish, K., Krueckl, S., & Holm, N. (2015, November 9). Harmonizing cancer prevention efforts in northern BC: Experiences from the Stop Smoking Before Surgery Program. Poster presentation at the 2015 Canadian Cancer Research Conference, Montreal, QB.

Viney, N., Taylor, E., Holm, N. & Seaton, C. (2015). Stop Smoking Before Surgery: A systematic approach to improve patient surgical outcomes. Presentation to the 2015 Northern Health Quality Conference, Prince George, BC, March 16, 2015. [Download PDF]


Bottorff, J. L., & Taylor, E. (2014). Stop smoking for surgery: A new collaborative partnership to extend the reach in northern BC. Invited presentation for the Saskatchewan Prevention Institute Webinar series, May 8, 2014.

Viney, N., Taylor, E. Medhurst, K., & Seaton, C. (2014). Stop Smoking Before Surgery (SSBS): A harmonized approach to cancer prevention in the north. Poster presentation for the Realities of Northern Oncology Conference May 2 and 3, 2014. (Also a SSBS table display).

Bottorff, J. (2014). A teachable moment for the last cigarette? New findings from the Stop Smoking Before Surgery Initiative. Presentation at the Rural Health Services Conference Building Intersection for Vibrant Rural Communities: Research on Health, Wellness, and Place, April 10, 2014.

Seaton, C. & Viney, N. (2014). Want the best surgical outcomes for patients? New findings and approaches from the Stop Smoking Before Surgery initiative. Lean Story board, poster presentation at the Annual Northern Health Quality Improvement Conference, March 13, 2014.

Seaton, C. L., Viney, N., & Medhurst, K. (2014). Tobacco use affects surgical outcomes – I didn’t know! New findings and approaches from the Stop Smoking Before Surgery Initiative. Brownbag Lunch Presentation for the Innovation and Development Commons: Northern Health and UNBC, Prince George, BC, February 27, 2014

Bottorff, J. L., & Taylor, E. (2014). Putting the focus on stopping smoking for surgery: A new collaborative initiative in Northern BC. Invited presentation for the Smoking Cessation Champions Network – Specific Populations Webinar, Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario, ON, January 22, 2014.


Seaton, C. S. & Bottorff, J. (2013, November 15). Smoking patterns among surgical patients at two northern BC hospitals: Implications for supporting smoking cessation. Presentation at the 3rd Annual IDC Northern Research Days and the 12th Conference of the Canadian Rural Health Research Society, Prince George, BC.

Viney, N., Taylor, E., & Medhurst, K. (2013, November 15). Implementation of the “Stop Smoking Before Surgery” initiative in northern British Columbia. Presentation at the 3rd Annual IDC Northern Research Days and the 12th Conference of the Canadian Rural Health Research Society, Prince George, BC.

Medhurst, K., Taylor, E., Viney, N., & Seaton, C. S. (2013). Stop smoking before surgery: A harmonized approach to cancer prevention. Brownbag Lunch Presentation for the Innovation and Development Commons: Northern Health and UNBC, Prince George, BC, April 25, 2013.


Seaton, C. L., Bottorff, J. L., Caperchione, C. M., Johnson, S. T., & Oliffe., J. L. (2019). The association between men’s health behaviours and interest in workplace health promotion. Workplace Health and Safety (ePub ahead of print). doi: [download pdf]

Seaton, C. L., Bottorff, J. L., Oliffe., J. L., Medhurst, K. & Deleenheer, D. (2019). Mental health promotion in male-dominated workplaces: Perspectives of male employees and workplace representatives Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 20(4), 541-552. doi: [download pdf]


Seaton, C. L., Bottorff, J. L., Jones-Bricker, M., & Lamont, S. (2018). The role of positive emotion and ego-resilience in determining men’s physical activity following a workplace wellness program. American Journal of Men’s Health, 12(6), 1916-1928. DOI: 10.1177/1557988318803744 [download pdf]


Bottorff, J. L. & Seaton, C. L. (Oct 3, 2017). Friendly competition motivates men to get healthy on the job. The Conversation Canada. [view article]

Seaton, C. L., Bottorff, J. L., Jones-Bricker, M., Oliffe., J. L., Deleenheer, D., & Medhurst, K. (2017). Men’s mental health promotion interventions: A scoping review. American Journal of Men’s Health. doi: 10.1177/1557988317728353 [download pdf]

Seaton, C. L., Bottorff, J. L., Oliffe, J. L., Jones-Bricker, M., Caperchione, C.M., Johnson, S. T., & Sharp, P. (2017). Acceptability of the POWERPLAY Program: A workplace health promotion intervention for men. American Journal of Men’s Health. DOI: 10.1177/1557988317728354 [download pdf]


Caperchione, C., Stolp, S., Bottorff, J. L., Oliffe, J. L., Johnson, S. T., Seaton, C. L., Sharp, P., Jones-Bricker, M., Lamont, S., Errey, S., Healy, T., Medhurst, K., Christian, H., & Klitch, M. (2016). Changes in men’s physical activity and healthy eating knowledge and behavior as a result of program exposure: Findings from the workplace POWERPLAY Program. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 13, 1364-1371. doi: 10.1123/jpah.2016-0111 [download pdf]

Johnson, S. T., Stolp, S., Seaton, C. L., Sharp, P., Caperchione, C.M., Bottorff, J. L., Oliffe, J. L., Jones-Bricker, M., Lamont, S., Medhurst, K., Errey, S., & Healy, T. (2016). A men’s workplace health intervention: Results of the POWERPLAY Program pilot study. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 58(8), 765-769. DOI: 10.1097/JOM.0000000000000793 [download pdf]


Oliffe, J.L., Bottorff, J.L., Sharp, P., Caperchione, C.M., Johnson, S.T., Healy, T., Lamont, S., Jones-Bricker, M., Medhurst, K., & Errey, S. (2015). Healthy Eating and Active Living: Rural Based Working Men’s Perspectives. American Journal of Men’s Health. [download pdf]

Caperchione, C., Sharp, P., Bottorff, J.L., Stolp, S., Oliffe, J.L., Johnson, S., Jones-Bricker, M., Erry, S., Cristian, H., Healy, T., Medhurst, K., & Lamont, S. (2015). The POWERPLAY workplace physical activity and nutrition intervention for men: Study protocol and baseline characteristics. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 44, 42-47. [download pdf]

resourceProject Update: Men’s Healthy Eating and Activity Living. (2015, April). Volume 1, Issue 1. [download pdf]
resourceBottorff, J.L., Seaton, C.L., Johnson, S.T., Caperchione, C.M., Oliffe, J.L., More, K., Jaffer-Hirji, H., & Tillotson, S. M. (2015). An updated review of interventions that include promotion of physical activity for adult men. Sports Medicine, 45(6), 775-800. doi 10.1007/s40279-014-0286-3 [download pdf]


resourceWorking Together in the North: Men’s Healthy Eating and Active Living. Information sheet about the project. [download pdf]


Bottorff, J. L. (April 20, 2018). Gender Matters: Designing health promotion programs to engage men. Invited presentation for the School of Medicine and Public Health, University of Newcastle, Newcastle, Australia.

Oliffe, J. L. & Bottorff, J. L. (Oct 1, 2018). Depression and working men. Invited plenary presentation to the Benefits Alliance Group Inc., Annual national meeting, Kelowna, BC.

Caperchione, C. M. & Bottorff, J. L. (Feb 9, 2018). Men’s preferences for workplace health promotion programs and the effectiveness of tailored approaches. Webinar for the Work Wellness and Disability Prevention Institute Effective Workplace Webinar Series. [Recording available]


Seaton, C. L. & Oliffe, J.L. (Nov 23, 2017). Listening for direction: The development and optimization of workplace mental wellness programs for men. Webinar for the Work Wellness and Disability Prevention Institute Effective Workplace Webinar Series. [Recording available]

Bottorff, J. L., Caperchione, C. M., Seaton, C. L., Oliffe, J.L., Jones-Bicker, M., Johnson, S., & Sharp, P. (Nov 5-7, 2017). Gender sensitizing cancer prevention in male-dominated worksites: Acceptability of the POWERPLAY program. Poster presentation at the Canadian Cancer Research Conference in Vancouver, BC.

Bottorff, J. L., Caperchione, C. M., Johnson, S. T., Seaton, C. L., Oliffe, J.L., Jones-Bicker, M. Medhurst, K., & Sharp, P. (June 7-10, 2017). Promoting physical activity and healthy eating in male-dominated workplaces; Results from the POWERPLAY program. Paper presented in the Symposium entitled: “Is it important to ‘gender-sensitize’ interventions to improve diet and physical activity behaviors in men? Experiences from three continents. International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA) 16th Annual Meeting, Victoria BC.

Bottorff, J. L. (June 1-3, 2017). POWERPLAY – A men-friendly workplace health promotion program. Presented in the Symposium entitled: ‘Men at Work: Men-friendly approaches to workplace health promotion’ at the Safe, Healthy and Productive Workplaces: Learning from Research and Practice conference, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC.

Seaton, C.L., Medhurst, K., Bottorff, J.L., Oliffe, J.L., Jones-Bicker, M., & DeLeenheer, (June 1-3, 2017). Putting the POWERPLAY advantage to work: The development of a workplace mental wellness module for men in Northern British Columbia. Poster presentation at the Safe, Healthy and Productive Workplaces: Learning from Research and Practice conference, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC.


Seaton, C. L., & Medhurst, K. (Nov 24, 2016). Putting the POWERPLAY advantage to work: The development and optimization of a workplace mental wellness module for men in northern and rural locations. Brownbag lunch presentation for the Innovation and Development Commons: Northern Health and UNBC, Prince George, BC.

Seaton, C. L., Medhurst, K., Oliffe, J., DeLeenheer, D., Bottorff, J., Jones-Bricker, M. (Nov 8, 2016). Considerations in the developing a workplace mental wellness program for men in the north. Oral presentation at the 2016 Research Days conference Making Research Matter: Celebrating Evidence Implementation in Northern BC in Prince George, BC.

Klitch, M., Seaton, C. L., & Bottorff, J. L., (2016, June 15). Playing to strength: Leveraging masculinities to promote men’s physical activity and healthy eating. Webinar hosted by the Institute for Healthy Living and Chronic Disease Prevention, UBC Okanagan Campus, Kelowna, BC.

Caperchione, C. M., Stolp, S., Bottorff, J. L., Oliffe, J. L., Johnson, S. T., Seaton, C. L., Sharp, P., Jones- Bricker, M., Lamont, S., Errey, S., Medhurst, K., Healy, T., Christian, H., & Klitch, M., (2016, June 10). Changes in men’s physical activity and healthy eating knowledge and behavior as a result of program exposure: Findings from the workplace POWERPLAY Program. Poster presentation at the International Society for Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity Annual Meeting in Cape Town, South Africa.

Bottorff, J. L., Oliffe, J. L., Lamont, S., Jones- Bricker, M., Johnson, S. T., Caperchione, C. M., Klitch, M., Christian, H., Medhurst, K., Errey, S., Healy, T., Sarbit, G., Seaton, C. L., & Stolp, S., (2016, May 13). A men’s workplace cancer prevention intervention targeting physical activity and healthy eating: Results of the POWERPLAY Program. Symposium presentation at the Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology (CAPO) Conference Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Jones-Bricker, M. & Klitch, M. (2016, April 5). Workplace Wellness. Presentation at the North Central Local Government Management Association 36th AGM & Conference in Prince George, BC.

Bottorff, J. L., Johnson, S. T., Lamont, S., Stolp, S., Caperchione, C. M., Oliffe, J. L., Klitch, M., Jones- Bricker, M., Errey, S., Medhurst, K., Christian, H., Seaton, C. L., & Healy, T. (2016, February 25). POWERPLAY: Impact of a worksite health promotion intervention tailored for men on physical activity and healthy eating. Oral presentation at the Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance of Canada (CDPAC) Sixth Pan-Canadian Conference “Integrated chronic disease prevention: The value proposition”, Toronto, ON.


Klitch, M., Christian, H., Seaton, C. L., Medhurst, K., Errey, S., Jones- Bricker, M., Healy, T., Lamont, S., Johnson, S. T., Caperchione, C. M., Oliffe, J. L., Stolp, S., Bottorff, J. L., & Sarbit, G. (2015, November 20). Development, delivery and evaluation of POWERPLAY, a workplace physical activity and nutrition program tailored for northern men, through a multi-sectoral partnership for health promotion. Presentation at the Inaugural Annual Physical Activity and Health Summit in Prince George, BC.

Seaton, C. L., Klitch, M., Christian, H., Medhurst, K., Errey, S., Jones- Bricker, M., Healy, T., Lamont, S., Johnson, S. T., Caperchione, C. M., Oliffe, J. L., Stolp, S., & Bottorff, J. L. (2015, November 20). POWERPLAY: Results from a workplace intervention targeting physical activity and healthy eating tailored for northern and rural men. Poster presentation at the Inaugural Annual Physical Activity and Health Summit in Prince George, BC.

Caperchione, C., Stolp, S., Johnson, S., Sharp, P., Seaton, C. L., Bottorff, J., Oliffe, J., Lamont, S., Medhurst, K., Errey, S., Jones-Bricker, M., Klitch, M., Christian, H., Healy, T. (2015, November 9). POWERPLAY: The development and optimization of a men’s workplace health promotion program to reduce cancer risk. Poster presentation at the 2015 Canadian Cancer Research Conference, Montreal, QB.

Bottorff, J.L., Sharp, P., Lamont, S., Medhurst, K., Klitch, M., Christian, H., Errey, S., Jones-Bricker, M., Caperchione, C.M., Johnson, S.T., Oliffe, J.L., Healy, T., & Stolp, S. (2015). POWERPLAY: A worksite health promotion program tailored for northern and rural men. Paper presented at the 11th Australian Men’s Health Conference, Terrigal, New South Wales, Australia. (Oct 20-23, 2015)

Bottorff, J. L. (July 9, 2015). Gender-sensitive approaches to cancer prevention: Promising directions for promoting health. Invited Keynote Address at the International Conference on Cancer Nursing 2015, hosted by the International Society of Nurses in Cancer Care, Vancouver, BC.

Medhurst, K., et al. (2015, June). Successes, challenges, and different perspectives on men’s health promotion in Northern BC. Invited panelist (KM) representing POWERPLAY at Men’s Health Works organized by the Cancer Prevention Centre and the BC Healthy Living Alliance, Prince George, BC. (June 7th, 2015).

Bottorff, J.L., Errey, S., & Medhurst, K. (June 7, 2015). POWERPLAY: Workplace health promotion for men in in northern BC. Invited workshop at Men’s Health Works organized by the Cancer Prevention Centre and the BC Healthy Living Alliance, Prince George, BC. [download pdf]

Caperchione C., Sharp P., Johnson S. T., Stolp S., Oliffe J. L., Bricker-Jones M., Bottorff J. L. (2015, June). POWERPLAY: A feasibility study protocol and baseline findings of a gender-sensitive workplace intervention targeting active living and healthy eating in men. Poster presented at the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity conference. Edinburgh, Scotland. (June 3-6, 2015)

Bottorff, J.L., Medhurst, K., & Sharp, P. (April 14, 2015). POWERPLAY at work: Promoting men’s health in northern BC. Invited panel presentation at Men’s Health Works organized by the Cancer Prevention Centre and the BC Healthy Living Alliance, Vancouver, BC. [download pdf]


Healy, T., & Errey, S. (2014). Workplace wellness for men: What’s needed for collaborations between health promoters and business. World Café, Public Health Agency of British Columbia 2014 Annual Conference, Richmond, BC. (December 4-5, 2014)

Johnson, S.J., Sharp, P., Medhurst, K., Healy, T., Seaton, C., Jones-Bricker, M., Lamont, S., & Bottorff, J.L. (2014). Healthy eating and active living in the north: Examining men’s perspectives. Paper presentation to the 4th IDC Annual Northern Health Research Days 2014, Prince George, BC. (November 5-7, 2014).


Seaton, C. L., Holm, N., Bottorff, J. L., Jones-Bricker, M., Errey, S., Caperchione, C. M., Lamont, S., Johnson, S. T., & Healy, T. (2018). Factors that impact the success of inter-agency health promotion collaborations: A scoping review. American Journal of Health Promotion, 32(4), 1095-1109. [view article]


Stolp, S., Bottorff, J. L., Seaton, C. L., Jones-Bricker, M., Oliffe, J. L., Johnson, S. T., Errey, S., Medhurst, K. & Lamont, S. (2017). Measurement and evaluation practices of factors that contribute to effective health promotion collaboration functioning: A scoping review. Evaluation and Program Planning, 61, 38-44. [view article]


Harmonization Cancer Prevention Team (2016). Building bridges to collaborative success: An evidence-based, inter-agency primer for health promotion. Kelowna, BC: Institute for Healthy Living and Chronic Disease Prevention, University of British Columbia, Okanagan, Canada, ISBN 978-0-88865-257-7 [download pdf]


Bottorff, J. L., Seaton, C. L., Sarbit, G., Medhurst, K. & Caperchione, C. M. (Feb 13, 2018). Priming collaboration to support active living: The development and dissemination of an evidence-based resource through a multi-sectoral partnership for health promotion. Oral presentation at the Active Living Research Conference in Banff, AB.


Jones-Bricker, M., Healy, T., Errey, S., Medhurst, K., Seaton, C. L., Bottorff, J. L., & Sarbit, G. (Dec 12, 2016). Connect-Communicate-Collaborate! Building Bridges to collaborative success: Introducing an evidence-based, inter-agency primer for health promotion. Workshop delivered at the 2016 PHABC Conference Strengthening Healthy Development: Education in Public Health Partnership in Richmond, BC.

Healy, T., Christian, H., Shelford, N., Errey, S., Medhurst, K., Jones-Bricker, M., & Seaton, C. L. (Nov 8, 2016). A primer on collaboration: The development and dissemination of an evidence-based resource to support partnering for health promotion. Oral presentation at the 2016 Research Days conference Making Research Matter: Celebrating Evidence Implementation in Northern BC in Prince George, BC.

Jones-Bricker, M., Errey, S., Christian, H., Lamont, S., Bottorff, J. L., Caperchione, C. M., Seaton, C. L., Oliffe, J. L., Medhurst, K., & Healy, T. (2016, February 25). Learnings from a multi-sectoral partnership for health promotion: Development of a collaborative guide for partnering agencies. 1.5 hour interactive workshop at the Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance of Canada (CDPAC) Sixth Pan-Canadian Conference “Integrated chronic disease prevention: The value proposition”, Toronto, ON.


Medhurst, K., & Holm, N. (2014) Harmonization: Building a collaborative framework for cancer prevention. Paper presentation to the 4th IDC Annual Northern Health Research Days 2014, Prince George, BC. (November 5-7, 2014)

Tillotson, S. (2014). Embracing complexity and transformation: Early learnings from a multi-sectoral collaboration focusing on cancer prevention services. Lean Story board, poster presentation at the Annual Northern Health Quality Improvement Conference, March 13, 2014.

Bottorff, J. L. (2014). Reflections on collaboration: A multi-sector team focusing on cancer prevention. Invited presentation at the Collaborative Action for Prevention: CCSRI Prevention Workshop, Toronto, Ontario, January 28, 2014.


Medhurst, K., & Tillotson, S. (2013). Embracing complexity and transformation: Building successful collaborations in rural and remote settings for the purpose of cancer prevention. Presentation at the 3rd Annual IDC Northern Research Days and the 12th Conference of the Canadian Rural Health Research Society, Prince George, BC, November 14, 2013.

Bottorff, J. L. (2013). Innovation in Cancer Prevention: One size doesn’t fit all. Invited keynote presentation at the Canadian Cancer Society, BC Yukon Division, 2013 Regional Summit, Prince George, BC, October 5, 2013.

Bottorff, J. L. (2013). Bringing cancer prevention research to northern communities. Presentation at the Canadian Cancer Society Northern Researcher’s Luncheon, Prince George, BC, October 4, 2013.

Bottorff, J. L., Jones-Bricker, M., & Lamont, S. (2013). Harmonization: Building a collaborative framework for cancer prevention. Webinar presentation “Meet the Researcher” Session for the Canadian Cancer Society February 19, 2013.


resourceAnnual Summary: 2017 [download pdf]


resourceAnnual Summary: 2016 [download pdf]


resourceAnnual Summary: 2015 [download pdf]